Rosa Parks's Poetry of Hope, Oprah Winfrey's Books, Nelson Mandela's Poetry of Change


Friday, December 26, 2008

Ode to Elizabeth Alexander, Barack Obama's Inauguration Poet (2008)

Ode to Elizabeth Alexander, (jjc-2008)
Inaugural Poet, Barack Obama 2008

First things first, congratulations on your selection!
You deserve this great honor. Your body of works is your proof
You are ready for the task. All you have to do is to get it done
Are you scared? How are you generating these great ideas for the occasion?
You may not need my advice now. It would send you all the way up to the roof
Bear in mind that this event is not all about you, but it depends on your tone

Remember your own words to NPR's Melissa Block as you are getting ready to compose and recite this poem.

"I've been trying out phrases and ideas and meditating and looking through scraps of things that I've been noting," she says. "It's been a time of tremendous feeling and tremendous thought."

"In that moment, really I am the vessel for the poem," she says. "It's not about the poet at that moment, it's about the poem. So the pressure — the challenge — is to write a poem that can serve … all of those expectant, gathered millions and to let the poem be what calms my nerves when I am up there. To let myself remember that I am there to deliver these words and these words have been commissioned to deliver a very, very amazing moment."